Beautiful Barbie with lovely dress details. This is my daughters favorite barbie and she never take the dress off. The only problem is the bouquet broke already so is useless. Poor design on that but the ring is going strong. All in all nice barbie.Get more detail about Wedding Day Barbie Doll.
Discount Wedding Day Barbie Doll
Best Wedding Day Barbie Doll,
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Looking for Wedding Day Barbie Doll,
wedding day barbie doll
Beautiful Barbie with lovely dress details. This is my daughters favorite barbie and she never take the dress off. The only problem is the bouquet broke already so is useless. Poor design on that but the ring is going strong. All in all nice barbie.Get more detail about Wedding Day Barbie Doll.
Cheapest American Indian Barbie American Stories Collection Collector Edition
American Indian Barbie American Stories Collection Collector Edition,
Buy American Indian Barbie American Stories Collection Collector Edition,
Cheap American Indian Barbie A,
Discount American Indian Barbie American Stories Collection Collector Edition
Her dress and brown shoes are brown and feel almost like suede. The baby she comes with is cute. She has long black hair, lovely big brown eyes, and lovely skin.She is great for any collection especially those of us with American Indian ancestry. She is also a good toy. Get more detail about American Indian Barbie American Stories Collection Collector Edition.
Cheap June Birthstone Barbie
Best June Birthstone Barbie,
Buy June Birthstone Barbie,
Cheap June Birthstone Barbie,
Discount June Birthstone Barbie,
june birthstone barbie,
Looking for June Birthstone Barbie
My daughters collect this line of doll, and we own quite a few of these Birthstone Barbies. Pearl, for the month of June, is one of the loveliest of this line. This caucasian version has the most gorgeous shade of brunette hair ever and blue eyes, and I think her creamy colored lace dress sets off this combination perfectly.
Some collector Barbies in this price range have their clothing basted on, but not this line. In fact, these dolls not only have removable dresses, their outfits are actually two pieces: a strappy dress and matching shrug, which is just adorable. Her jewelry is also very cute, and my daughters feel that the jewelry just makes her outfit.
My only complaint about this doll is the back of her hair. No matter how careful you are when removing her from the box, the back of this doll's hair will look like a mess when she is deboxed! We fixed ours easily enough with a chic new shag cut, and now she's cuter than ever. But just be aware of this while deboxing these dolls. (Every Birthstone Barbie we've owned has had this problem!)
Also, just FYI--the doll is on the Model Muse body, which, while lovely and slim, does not have click-bend mechanisms in the knees. So she is very much a collector doll, and not really suited to play. (She can't bend at the knee.) Just be aware of this if you're buying this doll as a gift.Get more detail about June Birthstone Barbie.
Buy Barbie and the Diamond Castle Princess Alexa Doll
barbie and the diamond castle princess alexa doll,
Best Barbie and the Diamond C,
Buy Barbie and the Diamond Castle Princess Alexa Doll,
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Discount Barbie and the Diamond Castle Princess Alexa Doll
We bought the doll for our granddaughter's fifth birthday. She saw it on TV and really wanted it, but when she opened her present she was very disappointed to find that the doll did not light up and sing like the one on TV. The product description stated: "They sing songs from the movie, and when they hold hands they'll sing a delightful duet."
When I contacted the seller they said "I have asked 3 other sellers of the product and they have confirmed that they are selling the same Alexa doll version that I listed and sold. I have faithfully listed the product knowing that it matched the product image and the UPC code. I have no control over any of the product description that may have been added or updated by the manufacturer."
Obviously, whether the manufacturer changed the product or provided the wrong product description to Amazon, I received a product that was inferior to the one that was advertised by, and am not happy about it. Our granddaughter has been playing with the doll and the packaging has been discarded, and their mother does not want to go to the trouble and cost of sending it back, so I guess that is the end of that, but this is the first time that Amazon has let me down.Get more detail about Barbie and the Diamond Castle Princess Alexa Doll.
Purchase Barbie as the Sugar Plum Fairy
Barbie as the Sugar Plum Fairy,
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Buy Barbie as the Sugar Plum Fairy,
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Looking for Barbie as the Sugar Plum Fairy

All I can say is this doll is exquisite! She's really too pretty to play with, but my daughter begged for her for Christmas so she got it to play with and not to sit in a box! You won't be disappointed with this lovely doll.Get more detail about Barbie as the Sugar Plum Fairy.
Order Barbie Collector Zodiac Dolls - Taurus (April 21 - May 21)
Barbie Collector Zodiac Dolls - Taurus (April 21 - May 21),
Buy Barbie Collector Zodiac Dolls - Taurus (April 21 - May 21),
Cheap Barbie Collector Zodiac Dolls - Taurus (,
Discount Barbie Collector Zodiac Dolls - Taurus (April 21 - May 21)
Where To Buy Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus: Prince Aidan Doll - African American
Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus: Prince Aidan Doll - African American,
Buy Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus: Prince Aidan Doll - African American,
Cheap Barbie and The,
Discount Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus: Prince Aidan Doll - African American
I found these dolls to be very nice for my grandsons. I feel very forturnate to have been able to find Black men. Get more detail about Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus: Prince Aidan Doll - African American.
Shop For Barbie I Can Be... Kelly/Shelly Dolls - Professions
Barbie I Can Be... Kelly/Shelly Dolls - Professions,
Best Barbie I,
Buy Barbie I Can Be... Kelly/Shelly Dolls - Professions,
Cheap Barbie I Can Be... Kelly/Shelly Dolls - Professions,
Discount Barbie I Can Be... Kelly/Shelly Dolls - Professions
We received this as a gift. The professional set says nurse fireman etc. What I received was the karate doll, roller skate doll, tennis doll, and the swim doll. I am still happy but I think the site is very confusing. They show the pictures of the dolls I received but they also show the professional bunch. I would rate it 5 stars if the site stated exactly what I was receiving (it states the professional bunch not the sports bunch) but because it is so confusing it only gets threeGet more detail about Barbie I Can Be... Kelly/Shelly Dolls - Professions.
Sleeping Beauty Barbie Doll
Best Sleeping Beauty Barbie Doll,
Buy Sleeping Beauty Barbie Doll,
Cheap Sleeping Beauty Barbie Doll,
Discount Sleeping Beauty Barbie Doll,
Looking for Sleeping Beauty Barbie Doll,
Sleeping Beauty Barbie Doll
Mattel went all out to create a magical Sleeping Beauty Barbie that has eyes that actually open and close when you raise and lower her right arm. I've seen hundreds of Barbies and I've never seen one that does this. The set also has a magical pillow that plays music, and a beautiful gown and crown. Your little girl will love playing happily ever after with this Barbie and maybe if you're lucky you can play too.Get more detail about Sleeping Beauty Barbie Doll.
Barbie Collector Dolls Of The World Carnaval Barbie Doll Review
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Discount Barbie Collector Dolls Of The World Carnaval Barbie Doll
I personally like this doll,mainly because of the make-up,the crazy hair and the skin tone.The only thing I don't like is the skimpy clothing.You'd think she was lingerie model more than a carnival worker!An overall great doll.Get more detail about Barbie Collector Dolls Of The World Carnaval Barbie Doll.
Campus Sweet Shop Top Quality
Best Campus Sweet Shop,
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Campus Sweet Shop,
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Discount Campus Sweet Shop,
Looking for Campus Sweet Shop
These dolls are such nice repros to have been brought back for a return appearance. And who doesn't want Midge and Allen, best friends of Barbie and Ken, to complete the "family doll" scene and show us the importance of friends? Did we really dress like that?? ;) They aren't what I would call "beautiful" but they are certainly cute enough for display or play.Get more detail about Campus Sweet Shop.
Barbie Spinning Ballerinas 4 Inch Tall Doll - Caucasian Kelly in Pink Outfit and Hispanic Kelly in Blue Outfit This instant
Barbie Spinning Ballerinas 4 Inch Tall Doll - Caucasian Kelly in Pink Outfit and Hispanic Kelly in Blue Outfit,
Buy Barbie Spinning Ballerinas 4 Inch Tall Doll - Caucasian Kelly in Pink Outfit and Hispanic Kelly in Blue Outfit,
Discount Barbie Spinning B
I bought these for my neices who are twins. They love getting things in twos. These little ballerina dolls were just perfect for them. They spin.
Nice toy for little girls but they need to be played with gently.Get more detail about Barbie Spinning Ballerinas 4 Inch Tall Doll - Caucasian Kelly in Pink Outfit and Hispanic Kelly in Blue Outfit.
July Birthstone Barbie Best Quality
Best July Birthstone Barbie,
Buy July Birthstone Barbie,
Cheap July Birthstone Barbie,
Discount July Birthstone Barbie,
july birthstone barbie,
Looking for July Birthstone Barbie
My daughters have started a doll collection, and they are in love with these Birthstone Barbies. July is no exception. She is indeed a lovely doll. Her dress is well-made, and unlike some of the collector dolls in this price range, it is actually removable with snaps (not basted on). Her outfit is actually a strappy dress with a shrug, which I find is a nice detailed touch, especially for the price. The beaded jewelry is also pretty, and the girls think it's what makes the doll.
Both girls are more cat fans than dog fans, so they can take or leave the dog, but I personally think the pet dog is rather cute.
My main complaint with this doll (and the others we have in this line) is that when you remove the doll from her box, no matter how careful you are, the back of her hair is always a mess. The front looks great! But the back just looks awful, like a rat's nest. I think Mattel could really package their collector dolls a bit better.
Also, for you moms out there--this doll is on the Model Muse body, which is very thin, and her knees do not bend. She is a collector doll, and isn't really suited for play. She can't sit down in a chair and bend her knees, for example.Get more detail about July Birthstone Barbie.
Barbie Collector 2006 GOLD Label - Vintage Reproductions Collection - Stacey Nite Lightning Doll (No more than 7,700 units produced worldwide) Get it now!
700 units produced worldwide),
Barbie Collector 2006 GOLD Label - Vintage Reproductions Collection - Stacey Nite Lightning Doll (No more than 7,
Buy Barbie Collector 2006 GOLD Label - Vintage Reproductions Collection - Stacey Nite Lightning Doll (N
In 1969, Mattel introduced another doll into Barbie's ever-expanding world of family and friends. Stacey was Barbie's swingin' best friend from London, complete with a wardrobe of colourful, specially-designed Mod fashions! This Gold Label collector's edition (limited to 7,700 pieces worldwide) brings back the Stacey doll along with her "Nite Lightning" fashion ensemble.
Stacey comes dressed in a bright print swimsuit, with her red hair styled into a short flip. Just like the original doll, she has real rooted eyelashes and a Twist 'n' Turn waist. The "Nite Lightning" ensemble consists of a royal blue satin "swing" coat with puffed sleeves and sparkly brooch decoration, and a metallic "shag" dress. Matching blue stockings and low-heeled shoes complete her trendy Mod look. A re-print of an original Barbie fashion booklet from the period is also included, along with the COA and dollstand.Get more detail about Barbie Collector 2006 GOLD Label - Vintage Reproductions Collection - Stacey Nite Lightning Doll (No more than 7,700 units produced worldwide).
Barbie Play All Day Kitchen Set with Doll Buy Now
Barbie Play All Day Kitchen Set with Doll,
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Aside from others saying that "if it fell from a high place this toy is dangerous" (Obviously!) it is wonderful, AWESOME!. It's a real princess toy. The little pieces are soooo cute and girly. This toy gets use everyday for almost a total of 3hrs of playtime. Barbie has a better dinner party than we do! Get more detail about Barbie Play All Day Kitchen Set with Doll.
Miss Sapphire African-American Barbie Birthstone Beauties Collection September by Mattel L7581 Order Now
Buy Miss Sapphire African-American Barbie Birthstone Beauties Collection September by Mattel L7581,
Discount Miss Sapphire African-American Barbie Birthstone,
Miss Sapphire African-American Barbie Birthstone Beauties Collection September by Mattel L7581
I bought this barbie for my 10-year-old daughter. I also bought November birthstone barbie and June birthstone barbie for my other daughters. All are exquisite. My favorite is November because she has orange hair like my daughter's. The June barbie has similiar characteristics of my other daughter. I would have purchased the caucasian version of this barbie but it was nearly three times as much money. Judging from the picture, the african american version had a beautiful appearance, and the picture was not deceiving. She is very pretty. I love all of them, and especially since I bought them all for $13.99, I think they are really a nice purchase. They are packaged very nicely too.Get more detail about Miss Sapphire African-American Barbie Birthstone Beauties Collection September by Mattel L7581.
Barbie Fairytopia Purple Fairy Doll Decide Now
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Looking for Barbie Fairytopia Purple Fairy
We bought this for our daughter because the price was reasonable and the cool hair color caught her eye, however within 10 minutes of playing with her, the wings broke off her back. They are not removable wings and the result of the wings breaking off was a sharp plastic barb sticking out it's back. We thought it was a fluke, so we went back to the store and tried to pick up a new one. They had sold out of the blue ones, so we ended up getting a pink one. To our surprise, the wings broke off the next day with the same post "barb" sticking out of her back. Needless to say, she does not play with this doll any more. Oh - and it's dissapointing to me that most of the new Barbie dolls don't come with removable outfits. This doll only has a cheep tutu. The rest is painted on. I don't even remember it having any shoes! Just wanted to let everyone know...Get more detail about Barbie Fairytopia Purple Fairy Doll.
LeAnn Rimes Barbie Doll Right now
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LeAnn Rimes Barbie Doll,
Looking for LeAnn Rimes Barbie Doll
Hello my name is Alexander Marie Blah Blah and i talk crap and love this pretty doll. Iam old fashioned!!!!!Get more detail about LeAnn Rimes Barbie Doll.
Lowest Price Celebration Barbie Special Edition 2000 Holiday Barbie Doll
Buy Celebration Barbie Special Edition 2000 Holiday Barbie Doll,
Celebration Barbie Special Edition 2000 Holiday Barbie Doll,
Cheap Celebration Barbie Special Edition 2000 Holiday Bar,
Discount Celebration Barbie Special Edition 2000 Holiday Barbie Doll
the doll was in very good shape came on time how every the box had a big dent down the middle might even be called a scratch Get more detail about Celebration Barbie Special Edition 2000 Holiday Barbie Doll.
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