If a little girl is into Barbie, this doll has it all... cute clothes and hair, hair, hair! In addition to having fabulous hair to begin with, she comes with a clip-on hair piece! Sure, most little girls will probably lose the accessories within five minutes of opening the box, but who cares - that's all part of the fun! This doll hearkens back to the days when Barbie was just plain fun, not a collectible or a princess or other such silliness. This is old-school Barbie, plain and simple, and I love it.Buy Barbie Top Model Assignment Hair Barbie!
Barbie Top Model Assignment Hair Barbie
If a little girl is into Barbie, this doll has it all... cute clothes and hair, hair, hair! In addition to having fabulous hair to begin with, she comes with a clip-on hair piece! Sure, most little girls will probably lose the accessories within five minutes of opening the box, but who cares - that's all part of the fun! This doll hearkens back to the days when Barbie was just plain fun, not a collectible or a princess or other such silliness. This is old-school Barbie, plain and simple, and I love it.Buy Barbie Top Model Assignment Hair Barbie!
The Bride Barbie
the bride barbie
My grand daughter loves the doll. She would like it to stand on it's own, but oh well. I did see this item in several stores after I ordered it on line with Amazon at much lower prices.Buy The Bride Barbie!
Barbie Collector Golden Angel Barbie Doll
barbie aine collector doll legends of ireland silver label,
barbie as marilyn monroe blonde ambition pink label,
barbie collector golden angel barbie doll,
dallas cowboys cheerleader african american collectable barbie fashion doll
I just bought this wonderful doll 2 weeks ago from Amazon for $39.99 and now someone is selling the same doll through Amazon for $139.99? (this is not a mistake I checked and was told a third party can pretty much sell it as they wanted). That is $100 more then anyone else is selling her for. She is a wonderful doll and I love everything about her but I do hope someone out there does not fall for this person overcharging on Amazon. I can see them doing it on Ebay but I thought Amazon had more class about what they allow people to charge.Buy Barbie Collector Golden Angel Barbie Doll!
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader African American Collectable Barbie Fashion Doll
barbie aine collector doll legends of ireland silver label,
barbie as marilyn monroe blonde ambition pink label,
dallas cowboys cheerleader african american collectable barbie fashion doll
I don't know what initially drew me to this doll. I don't watch sports, I was never a cheerleader and I don't think I've ever driven through Texas, let alone visited or gone to a football game. They're just fun and flirty, and nicely done. So I bought them to add to a somewhat unfocused collection of modern fashion dolls. Though I like a variety of dolls, my main interest seems to be evening gowns of the high-end collector variety. I'm getting picky in my old age about how a fabric drapes, whether or not the scale of an accessory is right, and overall whether or not something is nicely done. So you can imagine my surprise when I picked up the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader dolls and found everything I was looking for in a collectible doll.
In fact, one area where Mattel has consistently failed miserably is in manufacturing boots for Barbie. I can't begin to tell you the kind of junk on expensive collector dolls that has passed for boots, from bright pink, ill fitting hard plastic, to regular shoes with a vinyl "sleeve" over them in a matching color, like they were hoping we wouldn't notice. The boots on these dolls are well-made and remind me of the innovations I used to see in hand-made customized dolls when I attended Barbie conventions.
The costume is well-made and Mattel doesn't seem to have skimped on anything here, though the blouse appears to be taped down in a couple of strategic places. She stays nicely on the provided "saddle" stand in spite of the shorts, and looks great in the box, which is attractive and eye-catching rather than some of the over the top packaging I've seen lately. The dolls debox rather easily, so whether you keep them in the box or take them out, this is one you'll enjoy. I got 2 so I can do both. :-)Buy Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader African American Collectable Barbie Fashion Doll!
Barbie Aine Collector Doll - Legends of Ireland Silver Label
barbie aine collector doll legends of ireland silver label,
barbie as marilyn monroe blonde ambition pink label
this doll is even more beautiful then it looks in the picture. agree with previous reviewBuy Barbie Aine Collector Doll - Legends of Ireland Silver Label!
barbie as marilyn monroe blonde ambition pink label
barbie as marilyn monroe blonde ambition pink label
I grew up with Barbies as a child in the 70's, and now I collect them as an adult, these doll's are just pure fun and lots of fantasy!! I mostly collect repros and pop culture and I have all the Marilyn Barbies. This year is Mattels 50th anniversary and I must say they have really made buying hard to resist! This new Marilyn doll is gorgeous! I think Mattel did a wonderful job recreating Marilyn's soft face, dreamy sad eyes, and sexy open mouth lips. Her glamorous eye poping, neck plunging, gold dress is from one of her most famous photo's, she also wore the dress in the 1953 movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes". There is also film footage of her receiveing an award in this dress. The doll comes with a pair of very cute gold sling back heels,dazzling golden earrings, her nails and toes are painted red, and also comes with a stand. The box has lovely art pictures of Marilyn with a bit of info about her career and influence on the cluture. I think this is more for a adult collector. This is the first doll in the "Blonde Ambition collection". I think anyone who loves Marilyn would be happy with this doll! I can't wait to see the next doll in the collection and hope Mattel will make a new Farrah Fawcett doll, I think it's time for a Farrah doll, as she was as much of a beloved icon of the 70's, as Marilyn was to the 50's!Buy barbie as marilyn monroe blonde ambition pink label!
Barbie Collector Pink Label - Dolls of the World - Princess of the Pacific Islands
barbie beach glam barbie,
barbie collector i love lucy lucy gets in pictures lucy doll,
barbie collector pink label dolls of the world princess of the pacific islands,
queen of hearts barbie
Much better than the others -- when I was a girl, all the Barbies were blond anyway. But this Princess of the Korean Court doll... hmmm, aren't the turquoise tops for the servants? The upper maids yes, the Sang-goong, but not the princess. More research please, Matel.
Buy Barbie Collector Pink Label - Dolls of the World - Princess of the Pacific Islands!
Barbie Collector I Love Lucy, Lucy Gets In Pictures Lucy Doll
barbie beach glam barbie,
barbie collector i love lucy lucy gets in pictures lucy doll,
queen of hearts barbie
I love this doll and people need to realize this is not where you rate Amazon's service or shipping (like the negative reviews below). This is where you rate the doll and it is amazing!Buy Barbie Collector I Love Lucy, Lucy Gets In Pictures Lucy Doll!
Queen of Hearts Barbie
my niece loves barbies...so of course she got one for her birthday! some may think whatever he/she likes about them...as I said, she loves them and that's fine with me!!Buy Queen of Hearts Barbie!
Barbie Beach Glam: Barbie
barbie beach glam barbie
Maybe it's my computer or browser, but the picture here doesn't do this doll justice. I bought one at my local drug store before I saw it here at Amazon. I can tell you that this Beach Glam Barbie is gorgeous! The picture here looks faded to me, but I have the doll right here in front of me, and the pink accessories are a lovely perfect shade of vivid pink, not pale or washed out as it appears to be in this photo. Buy Barbie Beach Glam: Barbie!
Mary Poppins Bert Doll
barbie fashion fever lots of looks fashion clothes,
barbie store it all doll,
barbie surfs up color change diver,
happy birthday barbie,
mary poppins bert doll
The doll is well made and looks very similar to Dick Van Dyke, the man who portrayed Bert. I'm very pleased with the doll.Buy Mary Poppins Bert Doll!
Happy Birthday Barbie
barbie fashion fever lots of looks fashion clothes,
barbie store it all doll,
barbie surfs up color change diver,
happy birthday barbie

Great for any Barbie fan birthday...any they get their own tiara to wear. Barbie is very pretty in a pretty party dress.
Great Gift!Buy Happy Birthday Barbie!
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