My daughters collect this line of doll, and we own quite a few of these Birthstone Barbies. Pearl, for the month of June, is one of the loveliest of this line. This caucasian version has the most gorgeous shade of brunette hair ever and blue eyes, and I think her creamy colored lace dress sets off this combination perfectly.
Some collector Barbies in this price range have their clothing basted on, but not this line. In fact, these dolls not only have removable dresses, their outfits are actually two pieces: a strappy dress and matching shrug, which is just adorable. Her jewelry is also very cute, and my daughters feel that the jewelry just makes her outfit.
My only complaint about this doll is the back of her hair. No matter how careful you are when removing her from the box, the back of this doll's hair will look like a mess when she is deboxed! We fixed ours easily enough with a chic new shag cut, and now she's cuter than ever. But just be aware of this while deboxing these dolls. (Every Birthstone Barbie we've owned has had this problem!)
Also, just FYI--the doll is on the Model Muse body, which, while lovely and slim, does not have click-bend mechanisms in the knees. So she is very much a collector doll, and not really suited to play. (She can't bend at the knee.) Just be aware of this if you're buying this doll as a gift.Get more detail about June Birthstone Barbie.
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