I got this for my 7 year old daughter for Christmas and she loves it. She loves playing with Barbies in the tub and this is the first one who will stay underwater while she's pretending. She's really pretty too and very flexible, which my daughter loves.Buy BARBIE Splash & Style Mermaid Doll with Angel Fish!
BARBIE Splash & Style Mermaid Doll with Angel Fish
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barbie splash u0026 style mermaid doll,
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I got this for my 7 year old daughter for Christmas and she loves it. She loves playing with Barbies in the tub and this is the first one who will stay underwater while she's pretending. She's really pretty too and very flexible, which my daughter loves.Buy BARBIE Splash & Style Mermaid Doll with Angel Fish!
Totally Stylin' Tattoos Barbie
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barbie games,
barbie girls,
totally stylin tattoos barbie,
wizard of oz munchkins kelly
The tattoos are the same tattoos that little kids are getting at parties, down the shore, fairs and other places kids like to have fun. Teddy bears, stars, butterflies, hearts, etc. The girls are having a blast with the "tattoo machine" and everyone in the family is sporting Barbie tattoos.
Educational?? I explained the directions to the 3 1/2 and 6 1/2 year old on how to use the applicator and tattoos. Gave them a demo and they were on their way. It was adorable to watch the little one's concentration during the explanations because she just couldn't wait to try it out. If she ran into a problem, she and I figured out what to do to fix the problem. The oldest was tattooing Barbie's clothes before I had a chance to tell her how to do it. It may not be math, but it showed them how to use something from beginning to end and to get results from their trying.
Both girls love Barbies. The 6 year old cuts their hair. The youngest one uses them in her pretend stories. Buy Totally Stylin' Tattoos Barbie!
Wizard of Oz: Munchkins Kelly & Tommy Doll
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wizard of oz munchkins kelly
I was very happy with the Wizard of Oz: Munchkins Kelly & Tommy Doll. They were a gift for my granddaughter and she is delighted with them. I was pleased that they arrived when they said they would.Buy Wizard of Oz: Munchkins Kelly & Tommy Doll!
Barbie & The Diamond Castle: Purple Muse Doll
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My DD received the Pink Muse for her birthday and was very disappointed that the doll is smaller than her other Barbies - they cannot switch clothes.Buy Barbie & The Diamond Castle: Purple Muse Doll!
Barbie Grease Girl Frenchy
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im 12 and i am a major grease fan.frenchy was always my favorite,and for easter i finnaly got her
shes a good replica of frenchy the cosume is cute the makeup looks cool.its all together a rely cute doll for (colectors) yes i would not recocmend this to your 7 year old daughter its a pink label and will be worth somthing later.
i rated it a 4 due to the hair.the dolls hair is sloppy done and shorter on one side hair is sticking out,it dosent looks 50s it just looks sloppy
but cute doll and i recocmend it to all the grease fans
kimberBuy Barbie Grease Girl Frenchy!
BARBIE Mariposa Doll
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barbie mariposa doll,
barbie mariposa doll assortment,
barbie my favorite time capsule 1962 brunette bubble cut doll,
lucy doll and ethel doll giftset
Such a pretty doll. Her hair is silky soft and the headband and wrap around shoes are so unique. Her wings do fall off too easily, but are easily put back on and Mariposa can be played with without them on. I am writing this review 10 months after purchase so here are the drawbacks. Depending on the age of the child playing with the doll the shoes are fragile and the straps break. If the child steps or sits on the wings when they are off, they can be broke in half;or maybe she bent them with her hands. And worst of all, somehow the neck has become limp. Her head will not stay up and it just flops around. Either the joint is a new type that doesn't last or my granddaughter somehow broke it. Also the velcro on the little dress has lost it's ability to stick and I had to get another dress. This doll is done.
Perhaps the butterfly dolls should be only for display. But most 'little' girls like to play with their dolls. Buy BARBIE Mariposa Doll!
LUCY® Doll and ETHEL® Doll Giftset
barbie collector pink label the wizard of oz doll dorothy 2006,
barbie my favorite time capsule 1962 brunette bubble cut doll,
lucy doll and ethel doll giftset
I was so excited when I received the package with the Lucy and Ethel dolls. :] At first I was unsure to buy it because the pictures make them look like they're just puckering their lips, but no :D. They look really good in person! The doll looks just like Lucy with her face and the hair and Ethel looks kinda like the real Ethel (or Vivian Vance).
One thing that disappointed me a bit was the little chocolates.. I thought they were going to be like little plastic or rubber mounds, but they're just cardboard paper :[.. Oh well I'm probably not going to open the box anyways ;D
Overall, if you're obsessed with the I Love Lucy show (like me), this is something you should really buy!
And it's a great buy because it's like 2 for the price of 1 :]Buy LUCY® Doll and ETHEL® Doll Giftset!
Barbie My Favorite Time Capsule 1962 Brunette Bubble Cut Doll
barbie collector pink label the wizard of oz doll dorothy 2006,
barbie my favorite time capsule 1962 brunette bubble cut doll
Issued to celebrate Barbie's 50th anniversary, this is a reproduction of the 1962 brunette 'bubblecut' doll, with a bonus era-appropriate fashion also included in the package.
Dressed in her standard jersey-cut red swimsuit, the brunette bubblecut doll also wears pearl stud earrings and red open-toed mules. The bubblecut hairstyle was introduced in 1962, proving to be very popular at the time--partially inspired by the look and glamour of Jackie Kennedy. Collectors of vintage Barbie also particularly love the bubblecut dolls; the rare "sidepart bubblecut" being a highly sought-after variation which was only produced for a short time.
My only quibble with this reissue lies in the quality of the hair. Original bubblecuts (and earlier repros like "Silken Flame" and "Career Girl") were much more realistic. The hair on this current repro is far too bouffant; Barbie looks like she's overdosed on hairspray!
Also included in this package is a reproduction of "Enchanted Evening", one of Barbie's most desirable and popular gowns of the era. A delicate, strapless gown made of frosted pink satin, with a white faux fur stole. Long white gloves, triple-strand pearl necklace, pearl stud earrings and sparkly open-toed pumps complete this elegant gown.
This is a classic doll reproduction; perfect for the Barbie collector in your family.Buy Barbie My Favorite Time Capsule 1962 Brunette Bubble Cut Doll!
Barbie Collector Pink Label the Wizard of Oz Doll: Dorothy (2006)
barbie collector pink label the wizard of oz doll dorothy 2006
I got this doll for my 3 year old daughter and she loves it!! Great price too!!Buy Barbie Collector Pink Label the Wizard of Oz Doll: Dorothy (2006)!
Barbie Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Doll
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This is a beautiful, wonderful Barbie doll. I purchased her after reading an article in a dance magazine about holiday gifts. I am both a dance lover and a Barbie lover. The doll has exquisite features, down to the hair and ruffled white dress, just like in a section of Alvin Ailey's famouse dance suite, Revelations. I highly recommend it for a collector's item.Buy Barbie Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Doll!
It's Your Birthday! Barbie® Doll
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its your birthday barbie doll,
wizard of oz glinda the good witch barbie doll
Well I liked it as a birthday gift which was why I purchased it in the first place. The price was excellent and the doll is cute. Not much different from any other regular Barbie but the thought is what counted as it is a Birthday Barbie and if someone likes Barbie it is worth it. I didn't get any complaints. My Granddaughter loved it!Buy It's Your Birthday! Barbie® Doll!
Wizard of Oz: Glinda, The Good Witch Barbie Doll
barbie a christmas carol eden starling and the 3 christmas spirits gift set,
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wizard of oz glinda the good witch barbie doll
Our great-niece is a big Wizard of Oz fan. We bought her the Dorothy doll for her birthday and thought Glinda would be a good gift for Christmas. She screamed with joy when she saw it.Buy Wizard of Oz: Glinda, The Good Witch Barbie Doll!
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