The doll is lovely, though the retro packaging is a bit of an eyesore and I think would prompt many collectors to display the doll out of the box, diminising it's value. The accessories are delightful and she is just a gem of a doll. it is really a great gift for the collector in your life.Get more detail about Red, White and Warm Collector Barbie.
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White and Warm Collector Barbie
The doll is lovely, though the retro packaging is a bit of an eyesore and I think would prompt many collectors to display the doll out of the box, diminising it's value. The accessories are delightful and she is just a gem of a doll. it is really a great gift for the collector in your life.Get more detail about Red, White and Warm Collector Barbie.
Barbie Dream Dining Set - Pink Right now
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Looking for Barbie Dream Dining Set - Pink
My kids are four a six and really wanted this. The good part is that it has a lot of accessories and can be combined with their other Barbie play sets. They love playing with all of these toys and can spend a long time in imaginative play.
There are a few negatives. It's nearly impossible to get a doll to sit at the table. They don't fit well into the chairs and they tend to fall over. I've managed to fit two dolls across the table from eachother, but that was by cantelevering their legs under the table. The other negative is that there are a ton of tiny pieces. Again, this isn't a big deal in our house (we store all tiny pieces in a container with a lid) but might be an issue in a house with smaller children.
The girls really like this toy and play with it, in conjunction with their other sets, often.Get more detail about Barbie Dream Dining Set - Pink.
Low Price Mattel Barbie Peek-a-Boo Purse and Playset Purple
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Mattel Barbie Peek-a-Boo Purse and Playset Purple
My 6 year old daughter LOVES this playset! She will play with it for hours at a time. Great for on the go play!Get more detail about Mattel Barbie Peek-a-Boo Purse and Playset Purple.
Save Mattel Barbie I Can Be TV Chef Playset
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mattel barbie i can be tv chef playset
As far as Barbie goes, this set is fine. Our daughter received it as a gift and has been playing with it quite a bit. Most of the accessories are really tiny but the fridge door clicks closed, allowing for reasonable storage. My only real complaint is the the skirt the doll is wearing is CRAZY short, like totally inappropriately short. Get more detail about Mattel Barbie I Can Be TV Chef Playset.
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My granddaughter loves all the peek a boo dolls. They are small but great fun for all. Get more detail about Barbie Peekaboo Doll: Birthday Party Theme - 2 Pack.
Cheapest Barbie Girls Deco Pack - Panda
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I got this on sale at a great price. It definatly served it's purpose as an MP3 player. We've sinced moved on to the Itouch, but this was great for my younger daughter.Get more detail about Barbie Girls Deco Pack - Panda.
Cheap October Birthstone Barbie
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October Birthstone Barbie
This Barbie is beautiful & she comes with a cute little dog. My daughter loves her gift.Get more detail about October Birthstone Barbie.
Buying Barbie Dolls Of The World France
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I recently purchased this doll, and I am really happy with it. Her outfit is very cute. I love the blue gloves with the pink dress. I also like the blue cameo on her choker. I took her out of her box for display though because the box sort of "squishes" her outfit. I have to say that I think she looks much better out of the box. On her display stand, you can pose her and create a sense of motion and aliveness. Her dress and gloves seem to be easily removable (although this is only from examination, not trial). I like that her dress and choker have snaps, not Velcro. Her hat is not removable, and I would not recommend playing with her hair.
I am also considering purchasing Scotland barbie which I also think is adorable but in a completely different way.Get more detail about Barbie Dolls Of The World France.
Buy Top Model Summer Doll
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Top Model Summer Doll
My daughter was selected for the Honor Roll and she really wanted one of these particular Barbie Dolls so I ordered it on the one place I knew would have it. Amazon is the best place to buy what you want to find. Ebay is alright, but I hate all the bidding. I am very happy with this product and my daughter has another Barbie to her already swollen collection.
This coming from a little girl who's mother said, "No Barbie Dolls, ever..." Ha. Nice try Mom. Now I know she will want High School Musical Dolls too...Get more detail about Top Model Summer Doll.
Purchase Barbie Grease Girl Frenchy
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im 12 and i am a major grease fan.frenchy was always my favorite,and for easter i finnaly got her
shes a good replica of frenchy the cosume is cute the makeup looks cool.its all together a rely cute doll for (colectors) yes i would not recocmend this to your 7 year old daughter its a pink label and will be worth somthing later.
i rated it a 4 due to the hair.the dolls hair is sloppy done and shorter on one side hair is sticking out,it dosent looks 50s it just looks sloppy
but cute doll and i recocmend it to all the grease fans
kimberGet more detail about Barbie Grease Girl Frenchy.
Order Taylor Swift "Teardrops" Singing Doll
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Taylor Swift "Teardrops" Singing Doll
Love this song - so i HAD HAD HAD to buy this doll. Very well made!!! Wish when you pushed the button the whole song played- but oh well!!!!
My younger kids - 7,5,3 love it to!Get more detail about Taylor Swift "Teardrops" Singing Doll.
Shop For Shrek Barbie Doll
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Shrek Barbie Doll
Barbie Collector 2007 Pink Label - The Wizard of Oz Collection - Glinda the Good Witch Doll (K8684)
Barbie Collector 2007 Pink Label - The Wizard of Oz Collection - Glinda the Good Witch Doll (K8684),
Buy Barbie Collector 2007 Pink Label - The Wizard of Oz Collection - Glinda the Good Witch Doll (K8684),
Discount Barbie Collector 2007 Pink Labe
Very well made, has withstold the use and abuse of my (now) 3 year old for almost a year already....
Pretty much a barbie with Wizard of Oz details/costume...Get more detail about Barbie Collector 2007 Pink Label - The Wizard of Oz Collection - Glinda the Good Witch Doll (K8684).
Barbie Collector 2008 Pink Label - Celebrity Dolls Collection - "I Love Lucy" Starring Desi Arnaz as Ricky Ricardo in "The Christmas Show" Review
Barbie Collector 2008 Pink Label - Celebrity Dolls Collection - "I Love Lucy" Starring Desi Arnaz as Ricky Ricardo in "The Christmas Show",
Buy Barbie Collector 2008 Pink Label - Celebrity Dolls Collection - "I Love Lucy" Starring Desi Arnaz a
Since I am a collector of the Lucy dolls, I do not recommend children playing with them. They are to look at not to touch. I'm impressed how Mattel has brought all of their Lucy dolls almost to life. I'm really grateful to have them in my collection. Get more detail about Barbie Collector 2008 Pink Label - Celebrity Dolls Collection - "I Love Lucy" Starring Desi Arnaz as Ricky Ricardo in "The Christmas Show".
Mattel Barbie Peek-a-Boo Purse and Playset Pink Top Quality
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Mattel Barbie Peek-a-Boo Purse and Playset Pink
This is small and adorable and just what an eight year old wanted for Christmas -- but that being said, it is surely not worth the price as it started to fall apart right after Christmas dinner!! The dolls are a little scary, but the "purse" is totally useless. Just buy the dolls!Get more detail about Mattel Barbie Peek-a-Boo Purse and Playset Pink.
Barbie Collector 2008 Pink Label - Pop Culture Dolls Collection - Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader - Brunette Latina Doll This instant
Barbie Collector 2008 Pink Label - Pop Culture Dolls Collection - Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader - Brunette Latina Doll,
Buy Barbie Collector 2008 Pink Label - Pop Culture Dolls Collection - Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader - Brunette Latina Doll,
Discount Barbie
I don't know what initially drew me to this doll. I don't watch sports, I was never a cheerleader and I don't think I've ever driven through Texas, let alone visited or gone to a football game. They're just fun and flirty, and nicely done. So I bought them to add to a somewhat unfocused collection of modern fashion dolls. Though I like a variety of dolls, my main interest seems to be evening gowns of the high-end collector variety. I'm getting picky in my old age about how a fabric drapes, whether or not the scale of an accessory is right, and overall whether or not something is nicely done. So you can imagine my surprise when I picked up the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader dolls and found everything I was looking for in a collectible doll.
In fact, one area where Mattel has consistently failed miserably is in manufacturing boots for Barbie. I can't begin to tell you the kind of junk on expensive collector dolls that has passed for boots, from bright pink, ill fitting hard plastic, to regular shoes with a vinyl "sleeve" over them in a matching color, like they were hoping we wouldn't notice. The boots on these dolls are well-made and remind me of the innovations I used to see in hand-made customized dolls when I attended Barbie conventions.
The costume is well-made and Mattel doesn't seem to have skimped on anything here, though the blouse appears to be taped down in a couple of strategic places. She stays nicely on the provided "saddle" stand in spite of the shorts, and looks great in the box, which is attractive and eye-catching rather than some of the over the top packaging I've seen lately. The dolls debox rather easily, so whether you keep them in the box or take them out, this is one you'll enjoy. I got 2 so I can do both. :-)Get more detail about Barbie Collector 2008 Pink Label - Pop Culture Dolls Collection - Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader - Brunette Latina Doll.
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