When I unwrapped my Christmas present and found the 50th anniversary Barbie doll, I was thrilled. I opened the box and for a few moments, was in a state of bliss. But then I noticed a few drawbacks.
First, Her swimsuit is glued to her chest. Huh?! Well, there goes the hope of her modeling the Solo in the SPotlight dress. Oh, well. I try to put the gloves on. Nope, that won't work either! They are too small to be worn by any of my dolls. Hmm. Okay, well, at least she can wear the necklace. I pick it up, and what do I find... no strap. No elastic. No little snap-thing. No stretching, no spaces, no way to make her wear it. It's a totally useless ring of beads.
I put the black dress on my Fashionista Girly doll, and it looks fabulous. She suits it perfectly, especially when you add the pink scarf and microphone.
I like the doll, though. She is pretty, but her forehead is too low to be exact. Her hair isn't quite the right color, and her makeup isn't perfect, but she is still cute. She is heavier and sturdier than most modern dolls. Her microphone is great- metal and adjustable in height. I love the holes in her feet that make displaying her easy. I wish all collector dolls were that way, instead of having a thick plastic pole to support them, which shows badly and doesn't even hold them up right.
Overall, I think she is a great doll and I really love her-but she's not for younger girls. She's a disply doll, not for rough play.Get more detail about My Favorite Barbie: The Original Teenage Fashion Model Barbie Doll.
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