This is one of the most fantastic collector pieces of furniture Mattel has ever produced, but the promo pictures do indeed differ from the finished product. The shoe pillow is switched with a pillow with glasses on it, and the black pillow with writing on it instead comes with a giant pink heart. They're also arranged differently on the couch, which is a problem because if you snip the threads holding the accessories in place, you'll never get them to sit correctly on the couch again.
While the blanket looks the same, the different pillows appear to be made from cheap acetate fabric, whereas promo photos would lead you to believe the pillows are made of more durable, higher quality fabric. I ordered mine direct from Mattel, so you'll get the same thing from Amazon that you would have gotten from the manufacturer.
The couch itself with the fabric, white piping and the overall finished piece are extremely nice and I would recommend this for any collector. I would however hope that future pieces not be hot pink (there's nothing wrong with pink, but there ARE other colors out there!). Four stars for the substitute pillows and hot pink-- otherwise do something nice for your dolls and get this couch for your collection.
ETA: Check the comments below; apparently if you flip the pillows over, you get the patterns shown in the promo picture. The only caveat I would add to that is that the pillow fabric is VERY thin acetate, and I doubt if the flip sides could ever be made to look right. Thanks to BT for the info-- I never would have thought to look at the undersides since the pillows are attached.Get more detail about Barbie Collector Jonathan Adler Room Pack.
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