The tattoos are the same tattoos that little kids are getting at parties, down the shore, fairs and other places kids like to have fun. Teddy bears, stars, butterflies, hearts, etc. The girls are having a blast with the "tattoo machine" and everyone in the family is sporting Barbie tattoos.
Educational?? I explained the directions to the 3 1/2 and 6 1/2 year old on how to use the applicator and tattoos. Gave them a demo and they were on their way. It was adorable to watch the little one's concentration during the explanations because she just couldn't wait to try it out. If she ran into a problem, she and I figured out what to do to fix the problem. The oldest was tattooing Barbie's clothes before I had a chance to tell her how to do it. It may not be math, but it showed them how to use something from beginning to end and to get results from their trying.
Both girls love Barbies. The 6 year old cuts their hair. The youngest one uses them in her pretend stories. Buy Totally Stylin' Tattoos Barbie!
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